Famous Hot Dog Stand In Reykjavik Iceland

The Famous Hot Dog Stand in Reykjavik, Iceland

The Famous Hot Dog Stand in Reykjavik, Iceland

Iceland, known for its breathtaking landscapes and unique culture, is also home to a surprising culinary gem – the famous hot dog stand in Reykjavik. This unassuming little stand has become a must-visit spot for both locals and tourists alike, attracting long queues throughout the day. Let’s explore the background, mouthwatering offerings, and why this hot dog stand is considered a national treasure.


The hot dog stand, known as “Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur” which translates to “The Best Hot Dogs in Town,” has a rich history dating back to its opening in 1937. Established by two brothers, Gudmunður and Bjarni, it quickly gained popularity thanks to its delicious hot dogs and friendly service.

Over the years, the hot dog stand has seen its fair share of famous visitors, including celebrities, politicians, and even royalty. This humble eatery has become an integral part of Reykjavik’s food culture and has been featured in numerous documentaries and international publications.

The Delightful Hot Dogs

So, what makes these hot dogs so special? The secret lies in their unique combination of ingredients. The hot dogs are made from a blend of locally sourced lamb, pork, and beef, giving them a distinctive flavor that cannot be replicated elsewhere.

The toppings are equally intriguing. A traditional Icelandic hot dog is typically topped with ketchup, mustard, remoulade sauce, raw and fried onions. These simple yet flavorful condiments beautifully complement the perfectly grilled hot dog, resulting in a taste sensation that keeps people coming back for more.

Perspective from Experts

Food experts and connoisseurs have enthusiastically praised the hot dogs from Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur. Renowned chef Anthony Bourdain once famously declared them as “the best hot dogs in the world.” Their reputation has attracted visitors from all corners of the globe, and many have left raving reviews, making it a must-visit spot for any food enthusiast.

Experts attribute the irresistible allure of these hot dogs to the meticulous attention to detail in sourcing quality ingredients and the simplicity of their preparation. The combination of flavors and the unique Icelandic twist make them an unforgettable culinary experience.

My Insights and Analysis

Having had the pleasure of visiting Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur myself, I can attest to the hype surrounding their hot dogs. The interplay between the succulent, flavorful meat and the tangy, creamy toppings is a taste sensation like no other.

What struck me was the sense of community and tradition surrounding the hot dog stand. Standing in line with locals and engaging in conversation while eagerly awaiting my turn created a special bond, emphasizing the cultural significance of this humble establishment.

Exploring Beyond the Hot Dogs

While Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur is undoubtedly famous for its hot dogs, Reykjavik offers a myriad of other culinary delights. Here are some other must-try foods in the city:

1. Fermented Shark (Hákarl)

A dish reserved for the adventurous, hákarl is fermented shark meat that packs a pungent punch. It is a traditional Icelandic delicacy that can be found in specialty restaurants throughout Reykjavik.

2. Skyr

Skyr is a thick and creamy Icelandic yogurt that has gained popularity worldwide. It is often enjoyed as a breakfast or snack, and you can find various delicious flavors in supermarkets and cafes across the city.

3. Icelandic Lamb

Icelandic lamb is renowned for its outstanding quality and flavor. The animals graze freely on the island’s lush pastures, resulting in tender and succulent meat. Try it in different forms, such as lamb stew or grilled chops, at local restaurants.

4. Rye Bread Ice Cream

If you have a sweet tooth, don’t miss the opportunity to try rye bread ice cream. This unique flavor combines the earthy taste of rye bread with the creaminess of ice cream, creating a delightful and unexpected treat.

Reykjavik’s culinary scene offers a fusion of traditional Icelandic dishes and international influences, making it a paradise for food lovers.

Jack Bell

Jack J. Bell is a travel writer specializing in Iceland. He has been to the country on numerous occasions and has written extensively about his experiences there. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge of Icelandic culture, history and nature with others and has written several books, articles and guidebooks about the country.

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