Traveling To Iceland With Kids

Traveling to Iceland with Kids

Traveling to Iceland with Kids

Planning a family vacation to Iceland? Look no further! Iceland is a magical destination that offers an unforgettable experience for both children and adults alike. With its stunning landscapes, unique wildlife, and exciting activities, it’s no wonder that Iceland is becoming an increasingly popular travel destination for families.

Iceland, known as the “Land of Fire and Ice,” is a Nordic island nation located in the North Atlantic. It is famous for its diverse and breathtaking natural wonders, including volcanoes, glaciers, geothermal hot springs, and waterfalls. The country’s unique geographical features make it an excellent destination for adventure-seeking families.

One of the most popular attractions in Iceland is the Blue Lagoon. This geothermal spa offers a surreal experience for both kids and adults. Imagine soaking in warm, mineral-rich waters surrounded by lava fields and snow-capped mountains. The Blue Lagoon is a great place for families to relax and unwind after a long day of exploring.

For nature enthusiasts, a visit to the Golden Circle is a must. This famous tourist route includes three stunning attractions: Thingvellir National Park, the Geysir geothermal area, and the Gullfoss waterfall. Kids will love watching the Strokkur geyser erupt and feeling the power of Gullfoss as it cascades down into a rugged canyon.

Another exciting activity for families is whale watching. Iceland is known for its rich marine life, and taking a boat tour to spot whales and dolphins can be a thrilling experience. The chance to see these magnificent creatures up close will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on your kids.

In addition to its natural wonders, Iceland also offers a range of family-friendly accommodations and dining options. Many hotels and guesthouses provide family rooms and amenities, ensuring a comfortable stay for everyone. You can also try traditional Icelandic cuisine or opt for familiar international dishes to cater to your children’s preferences.

To make the most out of your trip, it’s advisable to plan ahead and book your activities in advance. Popular tours and attractions can get crowded, especially during peak seasons. By planning ahead, you can secure your spots and avoid disappointment.

When traveling to Iceland with kids, it’s essential to pack appropriately for the weather. The country experiences cool summers and cold winters, so make sure to bring warm clothes, waterproof jackets, and sturdy shoes. It’s also a good idea to pack snacks, water bottles, and entertainment for the journey, as some areas might have limited services.

Exploring Reykjavik

No trip to Iceland is complete without spending some time in Reykjavik, the country’s capital. Reykjavik offers a blend of modern city life and Icelandic charm, making it a fantastic destination for families. Here are some must-see attractions in Reykjavik:

  • Perlan: Visit Perlan, a unique landmark that features a revolving glass dome with panoramic views of the city. Kids will enjoy exploring the interactive exhibits and learning about Iceland’s natural wonders.
  • Whales of Iceland: Take a trip to Whales of Iceland, an interactive exhibition that showcases life-size models of various whale species found in Icelandic waters. It’s a great educational experience for children.
  • Reykjavik Zoo and Family Park: Spend a day at the Reykjavik Zoo and Family Park, where kids can see Icelandic farm animals, play on the playgrounds, and enjoy rides.
  • Tjornin: Visit Tjornin, a charming city lake located in the heart of Reykjavik. Children can feed ducks and swans or rent paddleboats for a fun-filled afternoon.
  • Harpa Concert Hall: Explore the stunning architecture of Harpa Concert Hall and catch a family-friendly performance or concert if available. The building’s unique design will surely leave a lasting impression.

Chasing Waterfalls

Iceland is home to numerous breathtaking waterfalls that are sure to captivate the whole family. Here are some must-visit waterfalls during your Icelandic adventure:

  • Gullfoss: Witness the power of Gullfoss, one of Iceland’s most famous waterfalls. Kids will be amazed as they watch the water cascade down into a dramatic ravine.
  • Skogafoss: Explore Skogafoss, a towering waterfall that drops over 60 meters. There is a staircase that leads to the top, offering a fantastic view of the surrounding landscapes.
  • Seljalandsfoss: Visit Seljalandsfoss, a unique waterfall that allows you to walk behind the curtain of water. It’s an enchanting experience for both children and adults.
  • Godafoss: Discover Godafoss, the “Waterfall of the Gods,” located in northern Iceland. Legend has it that this waterfall was named when the country converted to Christianity.
  • Dettifoss: Marvel at the mighty Dettifoss, Europe’s most powerful waterfall. Its sheer force and grandeur will leave your family in awe.

Encountering Wildlife

Iceland is teeming with unique and fascinating wildlife. Here are some animals you might encounter during your journey:

  • Puffins: These adorable seabirds nest on the cliffs of Iceland during the summer months. With their colorful beaks and distinctive appearance, they are a favorite among tourists.
  • Reindeer: In the Eastfjords of Iceland, you can spot reindeer roaming freely in the wilderness. Seeing these majestic animals in their natural habitat is an unforgettable experience.
  • Seals: You might catch a glimpse of seals lounging on the shores or swimming in the crystal-clear waters. Keep your eyes peeled for these playful creatures.
  • Orcas: Take a whale-watching tour to increase your chances of spotting orcas, also known as killer whales. These magnificent creatures are a sight to behold in the wild.
  • Arctic Foxes: Although they are elusive, you might be lucky enough to spot an Arctic fox during your travels. These furry creatures are well-adapted to Iceland’s harsh climate.

Enjoying Icelandic Cuisine

No vacation is complete without indulging in delicious local cuisine. Here are some Icelandic dishes to try during your stay:

  • Plokkfiskur: Plokkfiskur is a traditional Icelandic fish stew made with salted cod, potatoes, onions, and spices. It’s a hearty and comforting dish perfect for colder days.
  • Lamb Soup: Warm up with a bowl of Icelandic lamb soup, a traditional favorite. Made with tender lamb, potatoes, carrots, and herbs, it’s the ultimate comfort food.
  • Skyr: Skyr is a popular Icelandic dairy product similar to yogurt. It’s creamy, low in fat, and packed with protein. Try it with fresh berries for a healthy and refreshing treat.
  • Kleinur: Treat your taste buds to some Kleinur, traditional Icelandic twisted doughnuts. These sweet treats are often enjoyed with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate.
  • Rúgbrauð: Rúgbrauð is a dense and dark rye bread that is traditionally baked in the ground using geothermal heat. It pairs perfectly with smoked fish or butter.


Traveling to Iceland with kids offers a unique and awe-inspiring experience for the whole family. From exploring majestic waterfalls to encountering fascinating wildlife, Iceland has something to offer for every age group. With its family-friendly accommodations and activities, you can create lifelong memories while immersing yourself in Iceland’s natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. So pack your bags, embark on an adventure, and get ready to create unforgettable memories with your loved ones in the enchanting land of Iceland!

Joseph Herbert

Joseph Y. Herbert is a journalist, author, and travel writer based in Iceland. He is passionate about exploring the culture and history of Iceland and sharing insights into its unique landscapes and people with his readers.

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